Photography by the talented Deeply Rooted Photography


Well hey there friends! Hope you're having a great Saturday so far but if you're in Indy I hope you're staying warm. Can you believe we woke up to 3 feet of snow this morning? What in the world is going on here?! So I wanted to bring a little color into this gloomy day and chat with you about SPRING and all about how mixing prints is my new favorite thing! 

Two of my can't live without items for spring would have to be a good jumpsuit and a go to pair of booties! Jumpsuits are KEY because you don't need to think of a top and bottom combo that goes together, it's all one piece. Time is money ya'll!! This jumpsuit is SO lightweight so it's perfect for the spring weather and I'm loving these neutral stripes. When stripes are vertical they make us five foot something's look taller and I'm obviously all about that!! Finding a go to pair of booties is an absolute necessity because you never know when it's going to rain or shine anddddd they can go with jeans or dresses. I know you guys have seen these booties before in the winter season but I'm here to show you how versatile they are. Since they are a light beige color so they add the perfect pop to any outfit, really. 

When mixing prints I have a few tips for you to keep in mind because mixing just any pattern, won't always work! Always keep these three things in mind:

1. Color Coordinate. 

Try and keep your entire outfit within the same color family to keep the outfit looking polished and cohesive. You don't want it to look sloppy!

2. Opposites Always Attract. 

Wearing similar patterns can make an outfit look very confusing. Pair prints that are completely different. (Hints the stripes and stars). Pair different textures, shapes, and sizes of the patterns.

3. Keep It Simple.

If you're mixing prints, keep the extras simple. Don't go too crazy on the accessories or on your make up. You want it to look like you meant to pair these items together.

Don't be afraid to try this trend! It's so fun to play with different patterns and find what fits your personality and style. Hopefully my tips can guide you to find what is best for YOU! If you have any questions, feel free to email or Instagram DM me. I'm always here to help :)


What do you think of mixing prints? Is it something you've done before?! Comment below and let me know!

Remember, you don't need to be a model to look and feel amazing nor do you have to spend big bucks to do so. All you need is a little confidence and a killer shade of lipstick!