Photogrphy by the talented Deeply Rooted Photography


Now that spring is approaching, I basically have an excuse to not wear pants because let’s be honest who really wants to wear them?! My legs have been cooped up all winter long and they just want to be free damnit. So now that I’m actually buying spring clothes all that seems to be in my shopping cart is dresses but this year I am being SUPER picky on which ones I buy. I’m really looking for ones that can be worn in multiple ways, to multiple events and comfort is major key (insert DK Khaled voice) which leads me to this dress right here. 

I’ve seen this dress ALL over Instagram but I never paid attention to it simply because I saw it was a “body con” and thought oh heck no, I’m out. I may be 5’2 but boy do I have some curves on me. My hips definitely don’t lie and I have been blessed (or cursed whichever mood I’m in) with big boobs so “body con’s” have never really been my friend… until I met this one. I couldn’t believe how flattering it was on and I immediately thought of all the ways I could style it!! (Not to mention is comes in 9 other colors.) The ruching gathers on the side so it’s incredibly flattering over your torso and the V at the bottom makes your legs look thinner and longer. WINNING!

I’ve created 3 looks to show you how one single dress can take you throughout your entire day!



Meeting up with your bestie at your favorite brunch spot? Grab this super soft dress, pair it with a flowy cardigan and add a fun pair of leopard espadrille mules! I always get cold in restaurants so I usually take a cardigan with me that I can easily slip on or off. Espadrilles are on trend this spring and this little leopard print pair not only adds pattern and texture to your outfit but they are extremely comfy too!


Finished with brunch and need to go on a Target run? GUILTY! Keep this flattering dress but change it up with your favorite flannel and a pair of slip on’s! Since I’m 5’2, I tied the flannel above my waist to give me some shape and keep me warm as I’m running in and out! Slip on tennis shoes are a necessity because when I go to Target I mean business and I’m not there to play games ☺



Spent too much time at Target and realize you have date night in less than an hour? Don’t worry, this dress will take you there and your boyfriend/hubby will turn into the heart eyes emoji. Ditch the flannel and tennies for a jean jacket and a pair of booties! The jean jacket dresses it up a bit and the booties will make your legs go on for days! I love to wear this pair when it’s warm out because I get some air flow to my feet and man that is that underrated. Add a pair of statement earrings and you’re good to go! Now the real question is how are you going to hide the Target evidence from him?

Which look was your favorite? Comment below and let me know!

Remember, you don't need to be a model to look and feel amazing nor do you have to spend big bucks to do so. All you need is a little confidence and a killer shade of lipstick!

xo,amara kay (1).png