Photography by the talented Deeply Rooted Photography

There is just something about spring that makes people do weird things. Maybe it’s because we had the longest winter ever in Indiana and I have gone a little crazy?! Whatever it is, I’ve fallen into the “florals for spring” trap and I can’t get out. I know what you’re thinking… florals for spring? Groundbreaking. *name that movie* But seriously… I’m obsessed! Prints not only give your outfit a little personality but they can actually compliment your figure. Since florals are nothing new I wanted to chat about figuring out what prints and patterns work best for your body type! So if this is something you’re interested in, keep on reading :) 

PS- I've linked my favorite printed tops and pants at the bottom!



Basically this means if your hips are wider than your bust! Patterns and prints are all about balance. Try to wear a larger patterned top such as big florals or thicker polk-a-dots. If you are wanting to add a print to your bottoms, try and keep the print smaller to enhance your curves! I fall into this category and I always keep this in mind. Unfortunately, my exact top is sold out but I linked one JUST like it below :)


This is the opposite of having a pear shape, if your bust is larger than your hips. And yep, you guessed it you want to do the exact opposite of what I said above! Think of wearing brighter and bigger patterns on the bottom and smaller prints on the top, giving balance to your body. Check out some of the printed pants I linked below, they're SO FUN for summer and you would totally rock them!


This is a tricky one because I like to think of this as not seeing any major noticeable changes when it comes to your bust and hips. Having a straight body type doesn’t mean that you have to be super thin, it just means there is no drastic difference! In this case, patterns on patterns can be your best friend! Mix and match sizes and colors of prints, creating the illusion of balance :) Don't be afraid to experiment! 


Whatever your beautiful body type may be, you can rock a good print! It’s simply, all about balance! Love your body for all it's curves, imperfections and beauty. You should be happy in your own skin! :)

What is your favorite pattern to wear? Comment below and let me know!!

Remember, you don't need to be a model to look and feel amazing nor do you have to spend big bucks to do so. All you need is a little confidence and a killer shade of lipstick!

xo,amara kay (1).png