Photography by the talented Deeply Rooted Photography

fall lace duster kimonos
fall transition pieces
clothes to wear into fall
fall outfits

Can you guys believe we are a few days shy of September already? I don’t know about you but I think I’m ready for fall! Don’t get me wrong, I love summer, it’s just been so dang hot this year and I’m ready to wear jeans without sweat dripping down my back, ya feel me? But this brings such an awkward time in the year where you don’t really know whether to wear summer or fall clothes. As much as I love shopping, I hate going out to buy all new clothes only for it to be warm just a few more weeks! That’s way today I’m sharing 5 items you can take from summer to fall (that you probably already have in your closet)!

1.       Colored Aviator Sunglasses

These blue lenses with the black frames are perfect for going into fall. They look super cute with a black jumper adding a pop of color with the lenses or to throw on with your favorite sweater and jeans. These exact ones are a little pricey but they’re one of my favorite purchases I’ve ever made. I’ll also link some more affordable options as well below!

2.       Black Jumpsuit

If you don’t already have a black jumpsuit in your closet, girl you are MISSING out! It is a staple piece in a wardrobe because all the different ways you can wear it. When it’s a hot summer day, you can wear it alone or when it gets chilly simply throw on a jean jacket with a scarf and you’re on your way!

3.       Cut Out Booties

I like to call these the mascara of my shoe closet. Every girl has mascara in their makeup bag like every girl needs a pair of cut out booties. They give your feet some breeze and air flow on those warm summer days and add a fun element to your jeans outfit in the fall. Personally, I love brown or lighter colors in cut out booties just because I think they’re more year round friendly.

4.       Lace Kimono

If you’re thinking “kimonos are so 2016” then you are off your rocker girlfriend! They still got it. This duster kimono is light enough to take with you on a summer vacation but the perfect layering piece for fall. The lace makes it a little more feminine and the cream would be perfect with a pair of dark denim

5.       Hair Scrunchie + Scarf Combo

If you follow me on Instagram then you know this is my favorite purchase this summer and it was only $12. It’s a scrunchie with a removable scarf tied around it. How genius is that? It’s the cutest but unique way to throw your hair up at the pool but also add a fun design to wear with your favorite cream sweater! This is in the color “Desert”.

These are all key items when it comes to transitioning into fall! Nothing super fancy but simple pieces that you can incorporate into your everyday style. Hopefully this sparks some ideas on how you can take your summer pieces and turn them into your favorite fall items!


What’s your go to item that you love to take into fall with you? Comment below and let me know!

Remember, you don't need to be a model to look and feel amazing nor do you have to spend big bucks to do so. All you need is a little confidence and a killer shade of lipstick!
